30 Day Essential Oil Challenge

30 Days to Thrive Using Essential Oils

*Doors are Now Open for a Limited Time Only!*

Want to learn how to easily use essential oils in your everyday routine without all the hassle?

Transform your day to day routine by learning how to easily use essential oils in your everyday life!

You like to use essential oils. You’ve used oils here and there to help support your body and your family.

The problem is that you have no clue it’s even possible to easily use essential oils in your everyday routine without all the frustration.

You know it's possible to use essential oils in your daily life, but you have no idea where to begin.

Sound familiar?

  • You don't know if you will ever be able to keep to a simple routine using essential oils each day.
  • You don't understand how you can simplify use essential oils, since there is so much information out there.
  • You have no clue where to start and how to approach creating these simple, daily habits that will change your life.

There are only so many hours in a day. Between keeping up with the littles and making sure you are getting in enough coffee and sleep, you’re left wondering how you can possibly add something else to your already busy schedule.


You know what? You've got this. You CAN make healthy and simple essential oil routines. You don’t even need hours upon hours of essential oil education to be successful.

Imagine if you could easily use essential oils throughout your day (without all the frustration) by developing simple routines to help you save time, money, and energy...

...By implementing some simple strategies combined with the right tools and systems, you can develop these easy habits in your life.

Are you ready to naturally support your family's health?


Creating simple essential oil habits and routines means you can…

  • seamlessly use essential oils throughout your day without all the frustration and hassle.
  • be a great example to your kiddos on how to use these natural solutions to support their bodies.
  • have quick and easy natural tools at your fingertips with little effort.

Introducing: 30 Day Essential Oil Challenge

Learn the proven, simple steps for creating a simple essential oil routine even if you're a complete newbie.

Are You Ready to Simplify Your Essential Oil Routines Each Day?

The 30 Day Essential Oil Challenge gives you actionable steps to take each day to simplify your routine while saving you time, energy, and money!


You have to choices when it comes to simplifying how you use essential oils:

  1. Do it on your own - Yes, you can probably learn what it takes to simplify your essential oil routine, BUT there will be a steep learning curve. You’ll have to carve time out in your already busy schedule, and figure out all the steps needed in order to be successful.
  2. Get help - The 30 Day Essential Oil Challenge is a step-by-step guide I still use to this day to simplify my life and save time, money, and energy. Learn the framework, and cut out all the frustration.

Get started now!

Here’s what you get when you enroll the 30 Day Essential Oil Challenge:

  • 30 days of challenges
  • 30 audio lessons
  • a 50 page course guide
  • Cheat sheets, checklists, and encouragement along the way
  • A private Facebook support group
  • Clear and simple action steps for each day to keep moving forward in simplifying your essential oil routine
  • Lifetime access
  • And so much more!

Course Curriculum

Let’s not forget the bonuses!

  • Emotions and Essential Oils Cheat sheet - Learn what essential oils can be used for the different emotions we experience each day.
  • Easy to Print Dilution Chart - Easily find out the correct dilution based on age.
  • Essential Oil Inventory Checklist - Be able to easily track all your essential oils.
  • Easy to Print Essential Oil Recipes - Get all the essential oil recipes shared throughout this course in an easy to print format for quick use.
  • Daily Checklist - A blank daily checklist to help you design your perfect essential oil routine and help you stay on track.
  • Essential Oils Digital Planner - You get immediate access to the Undated Essential Oil Digital Planner Volume 2 (normally $25). It's the perfect addition to this challenge on simplifying essential oil routines!

Your Instructor


Hi there! I’m Reeni, creator of Simply Reeni. I'm a Certified Essential Oils Coach, educator, author, and holistic mom. I empower women to take control of their families' health by safely using natural solutions that actually work! I'm so excited that I get to save you time and money by teaching you all about these amazing natural tools!


Don’t let confusion overwhelm you. Take advantage of this challenge and the actionable steps to start simplifying your essential oil routine today!

I got ya! Get started learning the best tips, tricks, and routines that make using essential oils in your everyday life effortless! Each day is packed with clear and actionable steps that will support you to live the life you have always dreamed. These are my secrets to living my best life naturally. When you complete the challenge, you’ll have the tools, knowledge, and confidence to start living your best life. It's all yours friend!

The 30 Day Essential Oil Challenge is a self-paced course you complete online — you can do it on your own schedule. There are also 2 guided challenges throughout the year if you learn best in groups. Once you enroll into the course, you’ll get instant access to all the course materials. This includes all the bonuses and access to the Facebook group.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
Is this a program only for a certain essential oil brand?
This program is for anyone who wants to create simple essential oil routines in their everyday life!
How long do I have access to this course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
How long will the challenges take each day?
It depends, but each challenge will take approximately 5-15 minutes to complete and implement for the day.
Do I need to prepare?
No, just commit to actually doing the challenge each day. It works best by planning out a time each day.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 7 days and we will give you a full refund.

Grab the 30 Day Essential Oil Challenge Now to Start Changing Your Life:

Get started now!